About Cougar Advisors
New York's Premier Business Team
Cougar Advisors assists companies worldwide with their growth and expansion needs. Based in New York City in the heart of the financial world, Cougar Advisors structures deals globally, from Tokyo to London and all major financial hubs in between.

Private Offerings
Cougar Advisors works with companies in the private placement market. We mainly assist companies with EBITA in the $5mm range or above, but will always consider a case by case opportunity. If you company is considering raising capital or selling your business feel free to be in touch with us.
Buy & Sell Company
For those companies seeking to exit their business via a strategic sell Cougar Advisors can assist you. We have first hand experience with selling (and buying) a company, including selling via equity or debt structure, earn outs, joint ventures and other partnerships. Those in the real estate and technology sectors are our first priority, although we do assist in most major industries.
Raise Capital
Cougar Advisors team works with companies seeking to raise capital. Typically a company will be seeking over $10mm in either equity or debt financing, although for startups in the tech space we will consider working with as well. Our team maintains investor lists and contacts, including M&A firms, hedge fund, accredited investors, high net worth and more.

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